Help With Ordne 


Getting started

Ordne is split between the administrator who monitors and creates the checklists (tasklists) and the people who execute the checklists using the mobile app.

What is a Checklist?

A checklist is a list of tasks that are done at your company with some regularity and that is good to have documented and organized. Ordne helps with both documenting the various checklists as well as monitor and log them being done.  

A checklist can be completed in a few ways:


Simply check off that the step is done. Who, location and time are captured. This is the default and takes the least amount of effort to do, but also lacks full validation.

Take a Photo

In addition to what is captured in a simple check, take a photo of the completion. This is useful to prove something was really done according to plan and document it for future that it was done. For example, take a quick picture of a clean bathroom or an office space where lights was turned off.

Scan Qr Code or NFC

In addition to what is captured in a simple check, scan a QR code or an NFC tag. Scanning NFC or QR code can help the end user find the right checklist to do (it will automatically open the app and complete the step by scanning either a QR code or an NFC tag). It also adds some extra validation that the work was done at the right location.


Checklists should be a small set of tasks that logically goes together and can be assigned to one person. For example:

A checklist can also be more monthly or quarterly maintenance you should be doing. Like:

The administrators create and schedules checklists from the web application.

Mobile App for employees

Mobile app is used to complete checklist steps. You can get the apps here.

[Download link for App Store]


[Download link for Google Play Store]



The main Mobile screen is the Todo list:  

The top buttons allow you to Scan a QR code or a NFC tag. On either you do not need to have the app open, but if you do, you can use those buttons to activate the scanner.  

The rest of the screen is dedicated to the checklists assigned for today. You can see tasks like:  

Assigned to you – These are checklists you have been assigned or you’ve picked up and started but not finished.  

In progress by others – These are checklists others have started or been assigned, but have not finished yet.  

Unassigned for today – These are checklists due today, but not yet assigned or started by anyone. Feel free to pick one of these up.  

Do anytime – These are checklists that can be done at anytime and have no specific schedule.  

You can click on any checklist to see the detail and perform the checks.

Need more help?

We love feedback! Contact your administrator to organize feedback with your support specialist!